Our Services
We are dedicated to providing compassionate, evidence-based speech therapy tailored to each child’s distinct needs.
Review the areas we specialize in below to see if your child may be a good fit for these services.
Speech Sound Disorders
When a child has trouble saying certain words, making it hard to understand what a child is trying to say. Speech sound disorders include:
Articulation Disorders
A speech disorder that impacts an individual's ability to coordinate their lips, tongue, teeth, palate, and lungs to produce certain sounds.
This also includes distortions of sounds. For example, “wed” for “red”, “wemon” for “lemon”, or “fank” for “thank”.
Phonological Process Disorders
A speech disorder that makes it difficult for children to organize sounds in their brain to form words correctly.
For example, “cu” for “cup”, “poon” for “spoon”, or “tephone” for “telephone”.
Language Delays & Disorders
A language delay or disorder in children is when they have trouble understanding or using spoken language at the age they are expected to. This can include difficulties with: responding to language, understanding words or sentences, following directions, learning words, putting words together to make sentences, and building vocabulary.
Some signs include:
Using repetitive words or phrases
Having trouble imitating sounds/words
Having trouble understanding simple verbal requests
Difficulty finding the right words
Disorganized storytelling and writing
Frequent grammatical and spelling errors
Limited use of complex sentences
Stuttering Therapy
Stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by repetition of sounds, syllables, or words; prolongation of sounds; and interruptions in speech known as blocks. An individual who stutters exactly knows what he or she would like to say but has trouble producing a normal flow of speech.
A comprehensive assessment of a child’s communication skills in order to identify and address concerns regarding a child’s ability to communicate. During an evaluation, a speech-language pathologist discusses your child’s developmental and communication history as well as assess speech and language abilities.
Home Programming
A set of exercises and activities that a child practices at home between therapy sessions to help them continue to make progress.
Virtual Therapy Services
Virtual therapy services are a great option for when traveling or for families with busy schedules. Using video chat features on a computer or phone, speech therapy can be done from anywhere.